Tips to boost your productivity

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Until last year I was working a full time job, making time for my art (painting, taking courses etc) and taking care of our toddler. I have been asked multiple times how I get it all done. To let you in on a secret, I don’t get it all done but I do have some tips to make the most of your day.

1) Prioritize

Lets face it- you cannot do everything at a given time and that’s ok. Think about what’s most important to you. This could be a hobby or getting a workout in or making warm breakfast meal.. Would you make time for it? Can you find half an hour in the evenings after your kids go down for the day or in the mornings before everyone is up? Look for pockets of time through out the day. Sometimes, it is ok to let the dishes be .. or let the laundry sit unfolded (well, that happens more often than I want to admit!). What I mean is, chores are endless.. put your workout or hobby before chores. It will make you happy and chores would feel like a breeze. I would have half an hour before my husband brought our daughter home from daycare and I would use that to get a quick workout in or a quick paint sesh. I firmly believe, if it is important to you, you’ll find time for it.

2)  Ask for help

I am big on this. I have no qualms asking for help when needed. I am super grateful to have a supportive husband! :) We split the work- be it chores or daycare duties. In the same vein, if you can afford, outsource some of the work- like cleaning or get help with cooking. 

3)  Stop the scroll

I get it, after a long day all you want to do is relax and watch tv. Thats fine, we all need some entertainment. But instead of two hours of Netflix binging, take some time out for your thing. Stop the mindless instagram scrolling and get some reading done or get some stretching done before bed. 

Just be aware of where you are spending your time- that’s the key!


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